
Healthcare IT Market

Global Healthcare IT Market Size, Share, Report, Forecast: By Product and Services: Healthcare Provider Solutions, Healthcare Payer Solutions, Healthcare Information Technology Outsourcing Services; By Components: Services, Others; By Delivery Mode; By Application; By End User; Regional Analysis; Supplier Landscape; 2024-2032

Global Healthcare IT Market Outlook

The global healthcare IT market size was valued at USD 409.5 billion in 2023. It is expected to grow at a CAGR of 17.3%, during the forecast period of 2024-2032 to attain a value of USD 1772.4 billion in 2032. The market is driven by increasing advancements in healthcare technology, along with a shift towards more efficient, personalized, and data-driven healthcare delivery systems.


Report Attribute Key Statistics 
Base Year 2023 
Forecast Years 2024-2032 
Historical Years 2017-2023
Market Size in 2023 USD 409.5 billion
Market Forecast in 2032 USD 1772.4 billion
Market Growth Rate (2024-2032) 17.3%


Global Healthcare IT Market Analysis

  • Market Growth and Size: The healthcare IT market is experiencing robust growth, attributed to the increasing demand for improved healthcare services, the need for reducing healthcare costs, and the push towards enhanced patient care outcomes. The market's expansion is fueled by the adoption of healthcare IT solutions across hospitals, clinics, and laboratories worldwide, aiming to streamline operations, manage patient data effectively, and deliver healthcare services efficiently.
  • Major Market Drivers: The transformation of the healthcare industry is significantly influenced by several key drivers that are fuelling the global healthcare IT market growth. A primary catalyst for change has been the digitalization of healthcare records, marking a significant shift from traditional paper-based records to digital formats. This transition enhances the accessibility and reliability of patient data, facilitating improved care coordination and outcomes. Concurrently, government initiatives play a pivotal role in advancing the healthcare IT sector. Policies and incentives aimed at promoting the adoption of electronic health records (EHRs) serve as crucial drivers, encouraging healthcare providers to integrate advanced IT solutions into their operations.
  • Key Market Trends: The healthcare IT market is witnessing several transformative trends that are shaping its future trajectory. The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and analytics into healthcare processes is becoming increasingly prevalent. This trend is driven by the potential of these technologies to provide predictive analysis and improve decision-making, thereby optimizing patient outcomes and operational efficiency. Moreover, the rising threat of cyber-attacks in the healthcare sector has necessitated an increased focus on cybersecurity measures. Healthcare organizations are now prioritizing the protection of sensitive data and IT systems to safeguard patient information against breaches. Lastly, there is a noticeable shift towards patient-centric healthcare models. This approach emphasizes personalized care and active patient engagement, facilitated by IT solutions that enable patients to take a more active role in managing their health. These trends collectively highlight the evolving landscape of the healthcare IT market, where technology plays a central role in advancing healthcare delivery and patient care.
  • Geographical Trends: The healthcare IT market size varies across various geographical regions, reflecting their unique adoption rates and challenges. North America leads in adoption, buoyed by its sophisticated healthcare infrastructure, significant healthcare IT investments, and supportive policies. Europe demonstrates strong growth, propelled by government initiatives for digital health and a focus on implementing electronic health records. The Asia-Pacific region is experiencing rapid expansion, driven by rising healthcare spending, digitalization efforts, and an increasing emphasis on telemedicine. Meanwhile, Latin America and the Middle East & Africa are emerging markets, gradually adopting healthcare IT solutions amid challenges related to infrastructure and investment, yet showing significant potential for growth as they navigate towards digital health improvements.
  • Competitive Landscape: The healthcare IT market is highly competitive, with a mix of global and regional players. Competition is based on technological innovation, product offerings, and strategic partnerships. Key players focus on R&D to innovate, while mergers and acquisitions are common for expanding product portfolios and geographic reach.
  • Challenges and Opportunities: The healthcare IT market faces a complex array of challenges and opportunities that shape its landscape. Significant hurdles include cybersecurity risks, which threaten the privacy and integrity of patient data, a notable shortage of skilled healthcare IT professionals capable of managing and advancing these technologies, and interoperability issues that complicate the seamless exchange of information across different healthcare systems. On the flip side, the sector is ripe with opportunities. The escalating demand for telehealth services, especially in the context of a global push towards more accessible healthcare, the burgeoning potential of artificial intelligence and machine learning to revolutionize diagnostics and patient care, and the critical need for efficient data management systems all represent significant growth avenues.


Global Healthcare IT Market Trends

Telehealth and Remote Monitoring Surge

The demand for telehealth and remote patient monitoring has seen a dramatic increase, accelerated by the need for accessible healthcare solutions. This trend is facilitated by advancements in connectivity and mobile technology, allowing healthcare providers to offer care and consultation remotely, thus expanding their reach and ensuring continuity of care.


Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Integration

AI and machine learning are increasingly being harnessed to enhance various aspects of healthcare.  The emphasis on diagnostic accuracy, personalized treatment plans and operational efficiencies are expected to boost healthcare IT market growth in the forecast period. These technologies are becoming indispensable in analyzing vast datasets, improving patient outcomes, and optimizing healthcare delivery.


Cybersecurity Focus

With the digitalization of healthcare data and systems, cybersecurity has become a paramount concern. The healthcare sector is investing heavily in securing its IT infrastructure against data breaches and cyber threats, ensuring the protection of sensitive patient information.


Interoperability and Data Integration

There is a growing emphasis on the interoperability of healthcare IT systems to ensure seamless communication and data exchange across different healthcare platforms. Achieving interoperability is crucial for delivering coordinated and efficient care, facilitating better health outcomes, and supporting data-driven decision-making in healthcare is a notable healthcare IT market trend.


Expansion of Cloud-based Solutions

Cloud computing is increasingly adopted in the healthcare sector, offering scalable, flexible, and cost-efficient IT infrastructure solutions. Cloud-based platforms enable the secure storage and management of healthcare data, support telehealth services, and foster collaboration among healthcare professionals.


Wearable Technology and IoT Adoption

The healthcare IT market involves increasing adoption of wearable devices and the Internet of Things (IoT) in healthcare, providing continuous health monitoring and data collection outside traditional healthcare settings. These technologies support proactive health management, early detection of potential health issues, and personalized healthcare interventions.


Patient Engagement Technologies

There is a shift towards developing technologies that enhance patient engagement and empowerment. Solutions such as patient portals, mobile health apps, and personalized health tools are becoming more prevalent, encouraging patients to actively participate in their healthcare management, access their health information, and engage with healthcare providers more effectively.


Global Healthcare IT Market Segmentation

The global healthcare IT market is segmented based on various criteria including product and services, components, delivery mode, and applications. Each of these segments plays a crucial role in the healthcare IT ecosystem, offering insights into the diverse range of solutions available to healthcare providers, payers, and patients. Understanding these segments helps stakeholders identify growth opportunities and tailor their strategies to meet the evolving needs of the healthcare sector.


Market Breakup by Product and Services

  • Healthcare Provider Solutions
    • Clinical Solutions
      • PACS and VNA
      • E-Prescribing System
      • Computerized Physician Order Entry
      • Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS)
      • Electronic Health Record (EHR)
      • Specialty Information Management Systems
      • Patient Engagement Solution
      • Radiology Information Systems (RIS)
      • Radiation Dose Management Solutions
      • Medical Image Analysis Systems
      • Care Management Systems
      • Heath Solutions
      • Patient Registry Software
      •  Laboratory Information Systems
      • Infection Surveillance Solutions
      • Telemedicine
      • Population Health Management Solutions
      • Healthcare Information Technology Integration Systems
    • Non-Clinical Solutions
      • Healthcare Workforce Management Solutions
      • Medical Document Management Solutions
      • Healthcare Asset Management Solutions
      • Pharmacy Information Systems
      • Healthcare Analytics
      • Revenue Cycle Management Solutions
      • Healthcare Information Exchanges
      • Medication Management Solutions
      • Supply Chain Management Solutions
      • Healthcare Interoperability Solutions
      • Customer Relationship Management Solutions
      • Financial Management Systems
      • Healthcare Quality Management Solutions
  • Healthcare Payer Solutions
    • Claims Management Solutions
    • Fraud Analytics Solutions
    • Pharmacy Audit and Analysis Solutions
    • Member Eligibility Management Solutions
    • Provider Network Management Solutions
    • Population Health Management Solutions
    • Customer Relationship Management Solutions
    • Payment Management Solutions
  • Healthcare Information Technology Outsourcing Services
    •  Provider Healthcare Information Technology Outsourcing Services
    • Operational Healthcare Information Technology Outsourcing Services
    • Payer Healthcare Information Technology Outsourcing Services


Healthcare provider solutions segment encompasses a wide range of technologies and software designed to optimize clinical and administrative functions within hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare facilities. The healthcare IT market share also includes Electronic Health Records (EHRs), pharmacy management systems, laboratory information systems, clinical decision support systems, and radiology information systems, among others. These solutions aim to improve patient care quality, enhance efficiency, and reduce operational costs. The impact of healthcare provider solutions on the market is profound, as they directly contribute to the digitization of healthcare operations, enabling better data management, patient engagement, and clinical outcomes. In the forecast period, this segment is expected to significantly influence the market by driving the adoption of integrated and interoperable systems that enhance collaborative care models and patient-centric approaches.


Healthcare payer solutions target the needs of insurance companies and other payers in the healthcare system. It includes solutions for claims management, fraud detection, member engagement, provider network management, and billing and accounts management. The goal is to streamline operations, reduce fraudulent claims, and improve customer satisfaction. Healthcare payer solutions have a significant impact on the healthcare IT market value, as it enables payers to efficiently manage the complexities of reimbursement processes, compliance requirements, and cost containment. The adoption of advanced analytics and AI within this segment is anticipated to further influence the market, offering payers enhanced capabilities for risk assessment, cost prediction, and personalized customer service.


Healthcare information technology outsourcing services are a vital part of the healthcare IT market segmentation. It encompass the wide array of IT services that healthcare organizations delegate to external vendors. These services range from application management, legacy system maintenance, to complete IT infrastructure management. This segment allows healthcare providers and payers to focus on their core competencies while leveraging the expertise of IT firms for technological needs. The market impact of healthcare IT outsourcing services is significant, providing scalability, access to the latest technologies, and cost efficiencies. In the forecast period, this segment is expected to influence the market through the growing demand for cloud-based services, cybersecurity solutions, and specialized IT support, addressing the increasing complexity and security needs of healthcare IT systems.


Market Breakup by Components

  • Services
  • Software
  • Hardware


The healthcare IT market share includes segmentation based on components as well. Services constitute a wide range of support and maintenance services, consultancy, training, and implementation services designed to ensure that healthcare IT solutions are effectively integrated into healthcare operations. Services are crucial for the smooth functioning of healthcare IT systems, facilitating updates, troubleshooting, and optimization of systems to meet the evolving needs of healthcare providers and patients. The demand for services is expected to grow as healthcare organizations increasingly rely on complex IT solutions that require professional oversight and continuous support to maximize efficiency and effectiveness. The services segment is likely to influence the market significantly by enabling healthcare providers to adapt to and embrace new technologies without disrupting their operations.


Software is at the core of healthcare IT market as it includes Electronic Health Records (EHRs), patient management systems, billing and scheduling software, healthcare analytics, and telehealth platforms. This segment has a profound impact on the market by offering the tools necessary for healthcare providers to manage patient data, streamline operations, enhance patient care, and make data-driven decisions. With the ongoing shift towards data analytics, personalized medicine, and patient-centric care models, the software segment is poised for substantial growth. Innovations in software solutions are expected to drive efficiencies, improve patient outcomes, and facilitate the seamless exchange of information across healthcare systems in the forecast period.


Hardware includes the physical components required to support healthcare IT systems, such as servers, storage systems, networking devices, and personal computing devices. While the emphasis on digital solutions continues to grow, the need for robust hardware to support the increasing volume and complexity of healthcare data remains critical. This, in turn, fuels the healthcare IT market demand. The hardware segment's market impact is linked to the reliability and performance of healthcare IT infrastructure. As healthcare organizations accumulate more data and adopt advanced technologies like AI and machine learning, the demand for high-performance hardware capable of processing and storing large datasets securely is expected to rise. This, in turn, is likely to influence market dynamics by necessitating investments in state-of-the-art hardware to meet the technological demands of modern healthcare delivery.


Market Breakup by Delivery Mode

  • On-Premises
  • Cloud-Based

Based on delivery mode, the healthcare IT market is divided into on-premises and cloud-based alternatives. On-premises healthcare IT solutions are installed and run from the healthcare facility's own servers and computing infrastructure. This delivery mode offers healthcare providers full control over their IT environment and data, an essential factor for managing sensitive patient information securely. On-premises solutions are traditionally favoured for their enhanced security measures and the ability to customize and integrate with existing systems within the healthcare facility. However, they require a significant initial investment in hardware and software, alongside ongoing maintenance, and IT support costs. Despite the shift towards more flexible solutions, on-premises delivery remains relevant for large healthcare providers with the resources to manage and maintain their IT infrastructure.


The healthcare IT market growth is driven by the advent of cloud-based solutions. It is hosted on servers provided by the service provider and accessed over the internet. This model offers scalability, flexibility, and cost-efficiency, as it eliminates the need for substantial upfront capital investment in hardware and reduces the burden of maintenance and updates on the healthcare provider. Cloud-based solutions facilitate remote access to data and applications, an increasingly important feature with the rise of telehealth and remote patient monitoring services. The ability to quickly scale services up or down based on demand makes cloud-based solutions particularly attractive for growing and variable needs within the healthcare sector. Security concerns, once a significant barrier to cloud adoption, have been largely addressed through advanced encryption technologies and compliance with healthcare regulations like HIPAA in the United States.


The shift towards cloud-based solutions is expected to influence the global healthcare IT market size significantly during the forecast period. This trend is driven by the ongoing digital transformation in healthcare, the growing demand for telehealth services, and the need for scalable, flexible IT solutions that can adapt to changing healthcare demands. Cloud-based delivery is anticipated to see increased adoption due to its cost-effectiveness and ability to support the integration of emerging technologies like AI and big data analytics into healthcare practices. On-premises solutions, while facing a gradual decline in preference, will continue to hold significance in scenarios where control and customization are paramount, especially among large healthcare institutions and in regions with stringent data residency laws.


Market Breakup by Application

  • EHR
  • CPOE
  • Electronic Prescribing Systems
  • PACS
  • Lab Information Systems
  • Clinical Information Systems
  • Tele-healthcare
  • Others


The healthcare IT market growth is driven by increasing application of the technology in multiple domains. EHR is a common application area which involves digital versions of patients' paper charts and are foundational to modern healthcare IT, providing real-time, patient-centered records that make information available instantly and securely to authorized users. EHRs encompass a broad range of data, including medical history, diagnoses, medications, treatment plans, immunization dates, allergies, radiology images, and laboratory test results. They improve healthcare delivery by enhancing the accuracy and clarity of medical records, reducing the chances of data replication, and improving the speed of diagnosis and treatment.


Computerized physician order entry (CPOE) systems allow healthcare practitioners to electronically enter medical orders, significantly reducing the likelihood of prescription errors. These systems are instrumental in enhancing patient safety, improving efficiency, and minimizing delays in order completion. CPOE systems are often integrated with EHR systems for a seamless workflow, ensuring that all patient data and orders are centralized and accessible.


The healthcare IT market segmentation also includes electronic prescribing systems. It enables the digital generation, transmission, and filling of a medical prescription, bypassing the need for handwritten notes or oral communication. These systems reduce prescribing errors, streamline pharmacy operations, and enhance patient convenience and safety. They also facilitate prescription tracking and management, aiding in the effective monitoring of patient medication adherence.


Picture archiving and communication systems (PACS) are used for storing, retrieving, presenting, and sharing images from various medical imaging instruments, including X-ray, CT scan, MRI, and ultrasound machines. By eliminating the need for hard copy-based means of managing medical images, PACS improve the accessibility and management of imaging data, significantly enhancing diagnostic, treatment, and workflow efficiency. The segment is poised to boost the healthcare IT market value in coming years.


Laboratory information systems (LIS) manage and store data from medical laboratory processes, enhancing the efficiency and productivity of labs by automating workflows, integrating instruments, managing samples and associated information, and producing detailed reports. These systems are crucial for improving the timeliness and accuracy of laboratory results, directly impacting patient care and healthcare delivery efficiency.


The healthcare IT market constitutes clinical information systems, encompassing a broad category of systems designed to manage patient data generated during clinical care. These systems can include specialized applications for managing intensive care units, emergency departments, and other clinical settings, focusing on optimizing the workflow, enhancing patient care, and ensuring patient safety through improved data management and accessibility.


Telehealthcare involves the use of electronic information and telecommunications technologies to support long-distance clinical health care, patient and professional health-related education, and public health administration. This segment has seen rapid growth, driven by the need for accessible healthcare services, especially in remote or underserved areas. Telehealthcare reduces geographical barriers to care, enhances access to specialty services, and supports efficient healthcare delivery through remote consultations, monitoring, and education.


The EHR segment is expected to continue influencing the global healthcare IT market significantly, serving as the backbone for digitizing patient information and supporting integrated, high-quality care. Telehealthcare is also anticipated to have a profound impact, especially in the context of increasing demand for remote care and digital health solutions, accelerated by global health challenges. As healthcare providers increasingly adopt these technologies, the market is likely to witness a shift towards more integrated, patient-centered care models, facilitated by advancements in healthcare IT applications.


Market Breakup by End User

  • Providers
  • Payers


By end users, the healthcare IT market share is divided into providers and payers. Providers include hospitals, clinics, diagnostic centers, nursing homes, and other entities directly involved in delivering medical care to patients. Healthcare providers are the primary users of healthcare IT solutions, employing a wide array of technologies such as Electronic Health Records (EHRs), telehealth platforms, healthcare analytics, patient management systems, and more. These technologies enable providers to streamline their operations, improve patient care through better data management and accessibility, and reduce errors. For instance, EHRs facilitate the easy access and transfer of patient information, telehealth expands the reach of healthcare services, and analytics tools help in making data-driven decisions. The adoption of IT solutions by healthcare providers directly impacts the efficiency and quality of care, patient satisfaction, and the ability to scale services according to demand.


Payers primarily include insurance companies, government programs, and other entities responsible for financing healthcare services. In the context of healthcare IT, payers leverage technology to streamline processes like claims processing, member enrolment, customer service, and fraud detection, further fuelling the healthcare IT market value. Advanced analytics, machine learning models, and interoperability solutions are among the technologies that enable payers to enhance operational efficiency, manage costs, and improve member satisfaction. Payers are increasingly investing in healthcare IT to support value-based care models, which emphasize the quality rather than the volume of care, requiring sophisticated data analysis and management capabilities.


Market Breakup by Region

  • North America
  • Europe
  • Asia Pacific
  • Latin America
  • Middle East and Africa


North America, particularly the United States, is a leading the healthcare IT market share, owing to its advanced healthcare infrastructure, high healthcare spending, and strong presence of leading healthcare IT companies. The region has been at the forefront of adopting electronic health records (EHRs), telehealth, and other IT solutions, driven by supportive government policies like the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act. The emphasis on reducing healthcare costs while improving care quality and patient outcomes continues to drive innovation and adoption of healthcare IT solutions in this region.


The European healthcare IT market is characterized by its robust healthcare systems, significant government investments in healthcare, and a strong focus on data protection and patient privacy, underscored by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Countries such as the United Kingdom, Germany, and France lead in the adoption of healthcare IT solutions, including EHRs, telemedicine, and digital health applications. The region's commitment to healthcare interoperability and cross-border health data exchange initiatives, such as the eHealth Digital Service Infrastructure (eHDSI), further catalyzes the market's growth.


The Asia-Pacific region is experiencing rapid healthcare IT market growth, driven by increasing healthcare expenditure, growing awareness of the benefits of healthcare IT solutions, and improvements in healthcare infrastructure. Countries like China, Japan, India, and Australia are leading the charge, with a focus on digital health initiatives, EHR adoption, and mobile health applications. The region's large and aging population, rising chronic disease prevalence, and increasing focus on healthcare accessibility are key factors propelling the demand for healthcare IT solutions.


Latin America’s healthcare IT market is evolving, with countries such as Brazil, Mexico, and Argentina making strides in healthcare digitalization. Factors contributing to the market growth include efforts to improve healthcare access, governmental initiatives to implement EHRs, and increasing interest in telehealth services. Despite facing challenges such as economic variability and disparities in healthcare infrastructure, the region shows promise for continued growth and adoption of healthcare IT solutions.


Middle East and Africa region, although starting from a lower base compared to other regions, is experiencing significant growth in healthcare IT adoption, driven by government initiatives aimed at healthcare reform and digital transformation. The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, in particular, are investing heavily in building smart hospitals and implementing health information exchanges (HIEs). The focus on improving healthcare quality, accessibility, and management of chronic diseases is fueling the adoption of healthcare IT solutions in the region.


Leading Key Players in the Global Healthcare IT Market

The competitive landscape of the global healthcare IT market is dynamic and characterized by a blend of large multinational corporations, specialized healthcare IT firms, and emerging startups, each contributing to the market's growth and innovation. This landscape is influenced by several factors, including technological advancements, regulatory changes, and strategic collaborations. Understanding these factors is essential for navigating the market and identifying potential opportunities and challenges.


Key players involved in the global healthcare IT market report include:


  • Oracle Corporation
  • Parexel International Corporation
  • OpenClinica, LLC
  • Cerner Corporation
  • McKesson Corporation
  • Allscripts Healthcare, LLC
  • Koninklijke Philips N.V.
  • UnitedHealth Group.
  • Agfa-Gevaert Group
  • Avhana Health, Inc.
  • General Electric
  • Optum, Inc.
  • Cognizant
  • IBM


Kindly note that this only represents a partial list of companies, and the complete list has been provided in the report.


Key Highlights of the Report

Base Year 2023
Historical Period 2017-2023
Forecast Period 2024-2032
Unit USD Billion
Scope of the Report

Historical and Forecast Trends, Industry Drivers and Constraints, Historical and Forecast Market Analysis by Segment:

  • Product and Services
  • Components
  • Delivery Mode
  • Application
  • End User
  • Region
Product and Services Covered 
  • Healthcare Provider Solutions
  • Healthcare Payer Solutions
  • Healthcare Information Technology Outsourcing Services
Components Covered
  • Services 
  • Software 
  • Hardware
Delivery Mode Covered
  • On-Premises
  • Cloud-Based
Application Covered
  • EHR 
  • CPOE 
  • Electronic Prescribing Systems 
  • PACS 
  • Lab Information Systems 
  • Clinical Information Systems 
  • Tele-healthcare
  • Others
End User Covered
  • Providers
  • Payer
Region Covered
  • North America
  • Europe
  • Asia Pacific
  • Latin America
  • Middle East and Africa
Countries Covered
  • United States of America,
  • Canada
  • Germany
  • France
  • United Kingdom,
  • Italy
  • China
  • Japan
  • India
  • Australia
  • Brazil
  • Argentina
  • Mexico
  • Saudi Arabia
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Nigeria
  • South Africa
Companies Covered
  • Oracle Corporation
  • Parexel International Corporation
  • OpenClinica, LLC
  • Cerner Corporation
  • McKesson Corporation
  • Allscripts Healthcare, LLC
  • Koninklijke Philips N.V.
  • UnitedHealth Group.
  • Agfa-Gevaert Group
  • Avhana Health, Inc.
  • General Electric
  • Optum, Inc.
  • Cognizant
  • IBM
Customization Scope  10% Free Customization 
Customization Scope 
  • Mini User License: USD 2999
  • Single User License: USD 5499
  • Five User License: USD 7499
  • Corporate License: USD 9499 
Post-Sale Analyst Support  10-12 Weeks
Delivery Format  PDF and Excel through Email (We can also provide the editable version of the report in PPT/Word format on special request)


Key Questions Answered in the Report

  • How will the market landscape evolve in the forecast period? 
  • What are the major market trends influencing the market? 
  • What are the major drivers, opportunities, and restraints in the market? 
  • What will be the effect of each driver, challenge, and opportunity on the market? 
  • Which regional market is poised to lead the market share in the forecast period? 
  • Which regional market will experience expedited growth during the forecast period? 
  • Which pressure type of Healthcare IT will fuel the market growth? 
  • What is the breakup of the market based on the end users? 
  • Which applications are expected to significantly impact the healthcare IT market growth?
  • What technological advancements and innovations are influencing the market?
  • Which segment has the highest impact on the market size? 
  • How are partnerships, collaborations, and mergers & acquisitions shaping the market dynamics?


Key Benefits for Stakeholders

  • Expert Market Research’s industry report offers a comprehensive quantitative analysis of various market segments, historical and current market trends, market forecasts, and dynamics of the global healthcare IT market from 2017-2032. 
  • The research report provides the latest information on the market drivers, challenges, and opportunities in the global healthcare IT market. 
  • The study maps the leading, as well as the fastest-growing, regional markets. It further enables stakeholders to identify the key country-level markets within each region. 
  • Porter's five forces analysis assists stakeholders in assessing the impact of new entrants, competitive rivalry, supplier power, buyer power, and the threat of substitution. It helps stakeholders to analyze the level of competition within the global healthcare IT industry and its attractiveness. 
  • The competitive landscape allows stakeholders to understand their competitive environment and provides insight into the current positions of key players in the market.


*While we strive to always give you current and accurate information, the numbers depicted on the website are indicative and may differ from the actual numbers in the main report. At Expert Market Research, we aim to bring you the latest insights and trends in the market. Using our analyses and forecasts, stakeholders can understand the market dynamics, navigate challenges, and capitalize on opportunities to make data-driven strategic decisions.

1    Preface
    1.1    Objectives of the Study
    1.2    Key Assumptions
    1.3    Report Coverage – Key Segmentation and Scope 
    1.4    Research Methodology
2    Executive Summary
3    Global Healthcare IT Market Overview 

    3.1    Global Healthcare IT Market Historical Value (2017-2023) 
    3.2    Global Healthcare IT Market Forecast Value (2024-2032)
4    Global Healthcare IT Market Landscape*
    4.1    Global Healthcare IT: Developers Landscape
        4.1.1    Analysis by Year of Establishment
        4.1.2    Analysis by Company Size
        4.1.3    Analysis by Region
    4.2    Global Healthcare IT: Product Landscape
        4.2.1    Analysis by Product and Services
        4.2.2    Analysis by Components
        4.2.3    Analysis by Delivery Mode
        4.2.4    Analysis by Applications    
5    Global Healthcare IT Market Dynamics
    5.1    Market Drivers and Constraints
    5.2    SWOT Analysis
        5.2.1    Strengths
        5.2.2    Weaknesses
        5.2.3    Opportunities
        5.2.4    Threats
    5.3    Porter’s Five Forces Model
        5.3.1    Bargaining Power of Suppliers
        5.3.2    Bargaining Power of Buyers
        5.3.3    Threat of New Entrants
        5.3.4    Threat of Substitutes
        5.3.5    Degree of Rivalry
    5.4    Key Demand Indicators 
    5.5    Key Price Indicators
    5.6    Industry Events, Initiatives, and Trends  
    5.7    Value Chain Analysis
6    Global Healthcare IT Market Segmentation (2017-2032)
    6.1    Global Healthcare IT Market (2017-2032) by Product and Services
        6.1.1    Market Overview    
        6.1.2    Healthcare Provider Solutions 
      Clinical Solutions
          PACS and VNA 
          E-Prescribing System
          Computerized Physician Order Entry
          Clinical Decision Support System (Cdss)
          Electronic Health Record (Ehr)
          Specialty Information Management Systems
          Patient Engagement Solution
          Radiology Information Systems (Ris)
          Radiation Dose Management Solutions
          Medical Image Analysis Systems
          Care Management Systems
          Heath Solutions
          Patient Registry Software
          Laboratory Information Systems
          Infection Surveillance Solutions
          Population Health Management Solutions
          Healthcare Information Technology Integration Systems
      Non-Clinical Solutions
          Healthcare Workforce Management Solutions
          Medical Document Management Solutions
          Healthcare Asset Management Solutions
          Pharmacy Information Systems
          Healthcare Analytics
          Revenue Cycle Management Solutions
          Healthcare Information Exchanges
          Medication Management Solutions
          Supply Chain Management Solutions
          Healthcare Interoperability Solutions
          Customer Relationship Management Solutions
          Financial Management Systems
          Healthcare Quality Management Solutions
        6.1.3    Healthcare Payer Solutions 
      Claims Management Solutions
      Fraud Analytics Solutions
      Pharmacy Audit and Analysis Solutions
      Member Eligibility Management Solutions
      Provider Network Management Solutions
      Population Health Management Solutions
      Customer Relationship Management Solutions
      Payment Management Solutions
        6.1.4    Healthcare Information Technology Outsourcing Services
      Provider Healthcare Information Technology Outsourcing Services
      Operational Healthcare Information Technology Outsourcing Services
      Payer Healthcare Information Technology Outsourcing Services
    6.2    Global Healthcare IT Market (2017-2032) by Components
        6.2.1    Market Overview    
        6.2.2    Services 
        6.2.3    Software 
        6.2.4    Hardware
    6.3    Global Healthcare IT Market (2017-2032) by Delivery Mode
        6.3.1    Market Overview    
        6.3.2    On-Premises
        6.3.3    Cloud-Based
    6.4    Global Healthcare IT Market (2017-2032) by Application
        6.4.1    Market Overview    
        6.4.2    EHR 
        6.4.3    CPOE 
        6.4.4    Electronic Prescribing Systems 
        6.4.5    PACS 
        6.4.6    Lab Information Systems 
        6.4.7    Clinical Information Systems 
        6.4.8    Tele-healthcare
        6.4.9    Others
    6.5    Global Healthcare IT Market (2017-2032) by End User
        6.5.1    Market Overview    
        6.5.2    Providers
        6.5.3    Payer
    6.6    Global Healthcare IT Market (2017-2032) by Region
        6.6.1    Market Overview
        6.6.2    North America
        6.6.3    Europe 
        6.6.4    Asia Pacific
        6.6.5    Latin America
        6.6.6    Middle East and Africa
7    North America Healthcare IT Market (2017-2032)
    7.1    North America Healthcare IT Market (2017-2032) by Components
        7.1.1    Market Overview    
        7.1.2    Services 
        7.1.3    Software 
        7.1.4    Hardware
    7.2    North America Healthcare IT Market (2017-2032) by Delivery Mode
        7.2.1    Market Overview    
        7.2.2    On-Premise 
        7.2.3    Cloud-Based
    7.3    North America Healthcare IT Market (2017-2032) by Country
        7.3.1    United States of America
        7.3.2    Canada
8    Europe Healthcare IT Market (2017-2032)
    8.1    Europe Healthcare IT Market (2017-2032) by Components
        8.1.1    Market Overview    
        8.1.2    Services 
        8.1.3    Software 
        8.1.4    Hardware
    8.2    Europe Healthcare IT Market (2017-2032) by Delivery Mode
        8.2.1    Market Overview    
        8.2.2    On-Premise 
        8.2.3    Cloud-Based
    8.3    Europe Healthcare IT Market (2017-2032) by Country
        8.3.1    United Kingdom
        8.3.2    Germany
        8.3.3    France
        8.3.4    Italy
        8.3.5    Others
9    Asia Pacific Healthcare IT Market (2017-2032)
    9.1    Asia Pacific Healthcare IT Market (2017-2032) by Components
        9.1.1    Market Overview    
        9.1.2    Services 
        9.1.3    Software 
        9.1.4    Hardware
    9.2    Asia Pacific Healthcare IT Market (2017-2032) by Delivery Mode
        9.2.1    Market Overview    
        9.2.2    On-Premise 
        9.2.3    Cloud-Based
    9.3    Asia Pacific Healthcare IT Market (2017-2032) by Country
        9.3.1    China
        9.3.2    Japan
        9.3.3    India
        9.3.4    ASEAN
        9.3.5    Australia
        9.3.6    Others
10    Latin America Healthcare IT Market (2017-2032)
    10.1    Latin America Healthcare IT Market (2017-2032) by Components
        10.1.1    Market Overview    
        10.1.2    Services 
        10.1.3    Software 
        10.1.4    Hardware
    10.2    Latin America Healthcare IT Market (2017-2032) by Delivery Mode
        10.2.1    Market Overview    
        10.2.2    On-Premise 
        10.2.3    Cloud-Based
    10.3    Latin America Healthcare IT Market (2017-2032) by Country
        10.3.1    Brazil
        10.3.2    Argentina
        10.3.3    Mexico
        10.3.4    Others
11    Middle East and Africa Healthcare IT Market (2017-2032)
    11.1    Middle East and Africa Healthcare IT Market (2017-2032) by Components
        11.1.1    Market Overview    
        11.1.2    Services 
        11.1.3    Software 
        11.1.4    Hardware
    11.2    Middle East and Africa Healthcare IT Market (2017-2032) by Delivery Mode
        11.2.1    Market Overview    
        11.2.2    On-Premise 
        11.2.3    Cloud-Based
    11.3    Middle East and Africa Healthcare IT Market (2017-2032) by Country
        11.3.1    Saudi Arabia
        11.3.2    United Arab Emirates
        11.3.3    Nigeria
        11.3.4    South Africa
        11.3.5    Others
12    Regulatory Framework
    12.1     Regulatory Overview
        12.1.1    US FDA
        12.1.2    EU EMA
        12.1.3    INDIA CDSCO
        12.1.4    JAPAN PMDA
        12.1.5    Others
13    Patent Analysis
    13.1     Analysis by Type of Patent
    13.2     Analysis by Publication year
    13.3     Analysis by Issuing Authority
    13.4     Analysis by Patent Age
    13.5     Analysis by CPC Analysis
    13.6     Analysis by Patent Valuation 
    13.7     Analysis by Key Players
14    Grants Analysis
    14.1     Analysis by Year
    14.2     Analysis by Amount Awarded
    14.3     Analysis by Issuing Authority
    14.4     Analysis by Grant Application
    14.5     Analysis by Funding Institute
    14.6     Analysis by Departments
    14.7     Analysis by Recipient Organization 
15    Funding and Investment Analysis
    15.1     Analysis by Funding Instances
    15.2     Analysis by Type of Funding
    15.3     Analysis by Funding Amount
    15.4     Analysis by Leading Players
    15.5     Analysis by Leading Investors
    15.6     Analysis by Geography
16    Partnership and Collaborations Analysis
    16.1     Analysis by Partnership Instances
    16.2     Analysis by Type of Partnership
    16.3     Analysis by Leading Players
    16.4     Analysis by Geography
17    Supplier Landscape
    17.1     Oracle Corporation
        17.1.1    Financial Analysis
        17.1.2    Product Portfolio
        17.1.3    Demographic Reach and Achievements
        17.1.4    Mergers and Acquisitions
        17.1.5    Certifications 
    17.2    Parexel International Corporation
        17.2.1    Financial Analysis
        17.2.2    Product Portfolio
        17.2.3    Demographic Reach and Achievements
        17.2.4    Mergers and Acquisitions
        17.2.5    Certifications
    17.3    OpenClinica, LLC
        17.3.1    Financial Analysis
        17.3.2    Product Portfolio
        17.3.3    Demographic Reach and Achievements
        17.3.4    Mergers and Acquisitions
        17.3.5    Certifications
    17.4    Cerner Corporation
        17.4.1     Financial Analysis
        17.4.2    Product Portfolio
        17.4.3    Demographic Reach and Achievements
        17.4.4    Mergers and Acquisitions
        17.4.5    Certifications
    17.5     IQVIA
        17.5.1    Financial Analysis
        17.5.2    Product Portfolio
        17.5.3    Demographic Reach and Achievements
        17.5.4    Mergers and Acquisitions
        17.5.5    Certifications
    17.6    McKesson Corporation
        17.6.1    Financial Analysis
        17.6.2    Product Portfolio
        17.6.3    Demographic Reach and Achievements
        17.6.4    Mergers and Acquisitions
        17.6.5    Certifications
    17.7    Allscripts Healthcare, LLC
        17.7.1    Financial Analysis
        17.7.2    Product Portfolio
        17.7.3    Demographic Reach and Achievements
        17.7.4    Mergers and Acquisitions
        17.7.5    Certifications
    17.8    Koninklijke Philips N.V.
        17.8.1    Financial Analysis
        17.8.2    Product Portfolio
        17.8.3    Demographic Reach and Achievements
        17.8.4    Mergers and Acquisitions
        17.8.5    Certifications
    17.9    UnitedHealth Group.
        17.9.1    Financial Analysis
        17.9.2    Product Portfolio
        17.9.3    Demographic Reach and Achievements
        17.9.4    Mergers and Acquisitions
        17.9.5    Certifications
    17.10    Agfa-Gevaert Group
        17.10.1    Financial Analysis
        17.10.2    Product Portfolio
        17.10.3    Demographic Reach and Achievements
        17.10.4    Mergers and Acquisitions
        17.10.5    Certifications 
    17.11    Avhana Health, Inc.
        17.11.1    Financial Analysis
        17.11.2    Product Portfolio
        17.11.3    Demographic Reach and Achievements
        17.11.4    Mergers and Acquisitions
        17.11.5    Certifications 
    17.12    General Electric
        17.12.1    Financial Analysis
        17.12.2    Product Portfolio
        17.12.3    Demographic Reach and Achievements
        17.12.4    Mergers and Acquisitions
        17.12.5    Certifications 
    17.13    Optum, Inc.
        17.13.1    Financial Analysis
        17.13.2    Product Portfolio
        17.13.3    Demographic Reach and Achievements
        17.13.4    Mergers and Acquisitions
        17.13.5    Certifications 
    17.14    Cognizant
        17.14.1    Financial Analysis
        17.14.2    Product Portfolio
        17.14.3    Demographic Reach and Achievements
        17.14.4    Mergers and Acquisitions
        17.14.5    Certifications 
    17.15    IBM
        17.15.1    Financial Analysis
        17.15.2    Product Portfolio
        17.15.3    Demographic Reach and Achievements
        17.15.4    Mergers and Acquisitions
        17.15.5    Certifications 
List not exhaustive
18    Global Healthcare IT Market – Distribution Model (Additional Insight)
    18.1     Overview 
    18.2     Potential Distributors 
    18.3     Key Parameters for Distribution Partner Assessment 
19    Key Opinion Leaders (KOL) Insights (Additional Insight)
20    Company Competitiveness Analysis (Additional Insight)

    20.1     Very Small Companies
    20.2     Small Companies
    20.3     Mid-Sized Companies
    20.4     Large Companies
    20.5     Very Large Companies
21    Payment Methods (Additional Insight)
    21.1     Government Funded
    21.2     Private Insurance
    21.3     Out-of-Pocket


*Additional insights provided are customisable as per client requirements.


* The coverage of the Market Landscape section depends on the data availability and may cover a minimum of 80% of the total market. The EMR team strives to make this section as comprehensive as possible.

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